Sunday, July 27, 2008

Open Mike 23: Nelson Mandela

Thursday Open Mike 23 (now on Tuesday)
Topic: Nelson Mandela
July 29, 2008 [Tuesday]
@ 8PM in Gaurav's House.
1781 Spyglass Drive, #244
Austin TX 78746

Links sent out by Rahul on the yahoogroups:
Nelson Mandela turned 90 a couple of weeks ago (and it was celebrated with a concert to raise funds for AIDS). The press has covered the event extensively with an analysis of his life, influence, and shortcomings. It would be interesting to take a look at the same, and here are some links for that.
90th Birthday Celebration
Nelson Mandela Foundation:
The Nelson Mandela Foundation contributes to the making of a just society by promoting the vision, values and work of its Founder and convening dialogue around critical social issues.
Also, I read in somewhere the following (but cant seem to find links for it)
  • As per Mandela, one of the biggest regrets of his tenure as president of SA, is not doing enough for AIDS awareness
  • As per his wife, one of his regrets is not being involved much in the lives of his children.