Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Open Mike 4: Westernization of India (collected links)

Collecting links that folks have been sending around by email --

The topic for next week's discussion in TOM is : Westernization of India in all its flavors ranging from native customs, religion , social structure, literature , art , food habits , human conditions , work, etc.

Ponder about this for a bit over the weekend....More related material soon!
For a different twist - we often hear the "westernization" leading to "immodest" dressing styles of women. Here is an article on the dual standards of the morality police and the heavy gender bias underlying many cases where the victims are blamed for the crime.
and these men were arrested for "indecent clothing"!
Nobel laureate Amartya Sen, delivered a lecture at an UNESCO convention, titled "AN ASSESSMENT OF THE MILLENNIUM" - It addresses two myths :
1. The "pure" homogeneous pre-islamic culture in India - He analyzes historical events to show how Islam was integrated into Indian culture and what was the situation before the advent of Islam in India.
2. The idea of 'westernization' - He questions the basic idea of questioning 'westernization' :) - he attacks generalizations, he believes there should be more emphasis for the thought as such rather than its origins.

Part 1 - http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Pantheon/4789/India/Amratya1.htm
Part 2 - http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Pantheon/4789/India/Amratya2.htm

Increased Divorce rates - western influence on Indian 'culture' or more freedom for women ?

Morality codes have been espoused as part of religion in all corners of the world. It is rather sad when the 'state' curtails the freedom in the name of protecting 'morals' :
http://www.indiatogether.org/2007/aug/ksh-dont.htm - Delhi police on increased rape of women from north-eastern India
http://www.indiatogether.org/2006/jul/soc-dancebar.htm - Dance bar ban and the State of Maharashtra
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/1166055.stm - Cultural policing of valentine's day in India
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/2749667.stm - Hindu extremists and Islamist extremists against 'westernization' in different regions.

Open Mike 4: Westernization of India (topic)

Thursday Open Mike
Topic: Westernization of India
February 28, 2008 [Thursday]
@ 8PM in Arvind & Ashwini's House.
4201 Monterey Oaks Blvd #1911
Austin TX 78749